WARPS-factor technology to help quell Aussie bushfires?

WARPS-factor technology to help quell Aussie bushfires?

Jan 24, 2005: A South Australian company has developed a method of pinpointing emergency vehicles in almost any environment using existing radio networks.

WARPS (Wireless Automated Response Positioning System) can be utilised to locate bushfire-fighting vehicles in the worst kind of communications conditions, precisely the kinds of conditions witnessed across Australia in the devastating fires of the past week.

Recognising the need for such a system, WARPS co-founder Michael Norman, a radio engineer with 40 years experience, developed the system over two years.

The easy to use system has been extensively field tested with rural fire services in two states and is now ready to be used operationally.

"WARPS is designed for situations where location intelligence can provide critical command and control information, during bushfires or floods, in national parks, forestry or mining operations," said Norman.

With the WARPS system installed, information about the specific location and status of a vehicle is available.

"WARPS automatic hands-free data transmission makes it a very safe and user-friendly solution for emergency services, and puts viable technology into rural areas which are often marginalised in communications terms," added Norman. "Standard vehicle location solutions simply don’t function outside metropolitan areas. WARPS plugs directly into existing radios and computers, making it a very cost-effective solution to a very real problem."

Although specifically designed to increase the safety of rural firefighters, the system also has a number of other applications, including suburban trains and buses, local government road maintenance and fleet management, and State Emergency Services for marine rescue.

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