Samsung WOW's the Olympics

Samsung WOW's the Olympics

Samsung have designed a special network that provides staff at the Olympics, members of the press and athletes with up to date information about results, medal counts, events cancellations and much more information.

The Wireless Olympic Works has been built by Samsung to allow information to be passed more easily between people. Athletes and observers usually miss events because details about changing schedules are delayed due to crowd congestion, traffic and the difficulty of getting from one place to another.

Samsung has also handed out 14,000 phones to people to make it easier for people to communicate via this WOW network.

At previous Olympic Games, information about individual sporting events, results, athletes and accommodation has only been available to officials with direct access to the information source.

Prior to the 1960s, this involved vast amounts of paper and inconceivable amounts of highly inefficient manual effort; in the modern era, even PCs connected to huge Games databases and the wider Internet have not fully solved the problems associated with an event routinely involving tens of thousands of athletes, hundreds of thousands of spectators and a huge number of organisers and officials.

WOW is the first system that begins to address these issues. The advent of new wireless technology now makes it possible to provide critical information to the people who need it, wherever they may be and at any time.

The features on the phone include Mobile Info2004, which allows access to news about the Games, schedules and results of particular events, medal tallies and a host of other information.

Information on Demand, provides automatic alerts and updates on event results and medal acquiring report of a selected country. Users can choose the event they want to be updated about through a preference screen in Mobile Info 2004. They are then alerted via a text message.

Olympic Community Messaging is split into three components. The Official Announcement Notification service is used to send important announcements to Games officials; the Emergency Alert Messaging service sends information to the emergency services in case of accidents or fires; and the Olympic Staff Schedule Alerting service is used to keep staff updated on schedules and events, automatically alerting groups of people about changes or updates according to their role or a specific venue.

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