McData gearing up to tackle APAC high-end market

McData gearing up to tackle APAC high-end market

McData have revealed their business strategy for this year will rest heavily on tackling the Asia Pacific high-end market with their top range SANs.

This region will be headed by Vice President/General Manger of the Asia Pacific and Japan for McData, Paul Rath, who was responsible for accelerating EMC's business with Dell throughout the region, where he managed their operation sin Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

He has been brought to McData to bring similar success and he believes that education is the key to opening up the market in this region: "There is a lot of potential for big businesses to use our SANs in this region. We haven't been good in the past at evangelising our products in this are, so we are going to start by doubling our head count across the region.

Increased resources will allow us to get the message out to big businesses that we are in the top of our field in Australia's high-end market so we are the best choices for AsiaPacific countries to need to take care of their large amounts of storage.

Research has shown that we are about 15 months ahead of our competitors, and we already provide the best high-end technology in Australia."

Their products include: the McData Intrepid 6000 Series Directors, the Intrepid 6140 Director with 140 ports and the Intrepid 6064 Director.

They also plan to distribute the following switches: Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch, the Sphereon 4500 Fabric Switch, the Eclipse 1620 Multi-proocl IP Storage Switch, the IPS 4300 Multi-Protocol IP Storage Switch and the IPS 3300 Multi-protocol IP Storage Switch.

They claim to have the best high-end SAN technology on the market at the moment, and are particularly proud of their SANavigator Version 4.0 service. Thy say the key feature here is that it can work between SANs without running the risk of corrupting data.

It works without the need of separate tools to manage the storage network, so it uses lesser resources. Device management an fabric management are held in a single application so that the IT Manager does have to learn separate applications and purchase multiple PCs to manage the storage network.

Paul Rath said that the success of McData's SANs in Australia stood them in good stead for tackling the AsiaPacific market: "At the moment, we are ahead of Brocade and Cisco in terms of our technology, because our SANS are so robust. We have managed to also provide high-end systems for medium and smaller sized business in Australia at a cost effective level, whilst maintaining a relatively high quality.

However, we are the strongest company at the high-end of the Australia market, and this is the message we will get across in Asia. I think it will be quite easy to make a success in this region, so long as we get the message out of them about the quality."

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