IBM looks to turbo-charge storage

IBM looks to turbo-charge storage

Taking a mark from fast car manufacturers, IBM's new TotalStorage FAStT600 features a "turbo option" which it says offers increased throughput performance, greater maximum capacity and enhanced platform support for Unix and Intel platforms.

The turbo option, described by Big Blue as a "pay as you grow" configuration, is designed to help customers meet unexpected growth needs. Powered by two gigabit per second Fibre Channel technology, the system can scale to more than sixteen terabytes and 112 drives to support growing storage requirements created by e-business applications and data-intensive image files for customers.

"IBM is seeing a strong demand for powerful products from our customers," said Roland Hagan, vice president of storage marketing, IBM Systems Group. "We have continued our mission to deliver customers quick and cost effective storage solutions for their data management needs that helps them protect their investment in current technology."

IBM says its FAStT storage server range is its fastest growing storage line, bucking the trend of the year on year decline of 1 percent in the overall disk storage system market in Q1 of this year (Source: IDC).

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