Reports from Veritas

Reports from Veritas

Storage Reporter is the latest storage management application from Veritas and is available now.

The application allows IT departments to track and charge other parts of the corporation for their storage usage.

The release of Storage Reporter follows the acquisition of Storage Report from NTP Software, which Veritas acquired a month ago. Vertias said it acquired this technology as part of its strategy to increase its presence in the storage resource management market. Veritas said that Storage Reporter "compliments" their SANPoint Control application as a single console software solution for management and automation of storage.

Storage Reporter allows end users to track and plan storage usage according to users, departments, application file types or even geography, by tracking at a file level. They claim the application will help chief information officers (CIO) to better predict storage growth patterns.

The application is available as a stand alone product and will be integrated into SANPoint Control by mid-2003.

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