IBM serves notice on storage

IBM serves notice on storage

By Paul Montgomery

IBM has signalled the importance of storage to its server business by merging the two divisions and promoting its storage guru to head the group.

Various news outlets, including Reuters and Dow Jones, reported that IBM would take its storage business back into its server group, after separating it out two years ago.

Linda Sanford, who had headed the storage division will be kicked upstairs to lead the internal implementation of its "on-demand" initiative, with storage technology strategist Irving Wladawsky-Berger to do the same for IBM's customers. Fellow executive Bill Zeitler will now lead the merged group, according to the reports.

The move is part of a wider trend towards storage being seen as part of a wider solution, which IBM itself has been a part of with its Global Services unit, along with other giant global service providers such as Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems.

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