Toshiba Paves the way for 10nm Flash Memory

Toshiba Paves the way for 10nm Flash Memory

December 12, 2007: Presenting at the International Electron Devices Meeting in Washington, Toshiba has announced the development of a new double tunneling layer technology that opens up the possibility of 10 nanometre flash memory.

The technology will open the door to memory devices with densities of over 100 gigabits, which would be within the 10 nm generation. For reference this is four generations from where we are currently.

Looking even further into the crystal ball, Toshiba believe that major advancements in the memory space, such as 3D structures and making the 10nm space operational will become much closer to reality thanks to the double tunneling layer technology.

There’s currently no estimated time of release, as it’s just the basis for the development of the memory, but the technology itself is alive and kicking in the form of a Toshiba prototype.

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