Enterprise Storage for SMBs

Enterprise Storage for SMBs

August 19, 2008: The US’s Dependable Computer Guys (DCG) has announced a new partnership with with Zenith Infotech to create a new data backup solution for SMBs that offers an enterprise-level solution without the price tag.

The two have created Dependable SafeSTOR, a system which they say plugs up many of the leaks found in typical small business data storage systems by automatically backing up data every 15 minutes.

Archives are encrypted with 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), copies of which are created locally (for rapid restores) and at 2 remote locations in case of a major disaster.

“This is the Rolls-Royce of backup and storage,” says Brent Whitfield, President of DCG. “This system resolves the security and accessibility concerns that come up when you rely on magnetic tape or local backup. Yet the cost is within the budgets of most smaller organisations.”

Whitfield points out numerous risks that SMBs run relying on less-robust data storage, and says that magnetic tape can have failure rates as high as 71 percent under certain conditions.

“The numbers show that the service we're offering is necessary,” says Whitfield. “We've looked at a recent study which showed that only 6 percent of businesses were able to stay open over the long term after suffering a major loss of data. After such an event, 43 percent of these companies never reopened.”

DCG is offering a month-long free trial of Dependable SafeSTOR until September 30th.

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