CA tackles storage management challenge

CA tackles storage management challenge

March 23, 2009:CA has announced new versions of its storage resource management software for mainframe and distributed systems.

CA SRM r 11.7 provides centralised management of UNIX, Linux, NetWare , and Windows-based storage resources. The new version reduces complexity by easing the management of environments with large numbers of virtual server instances through detailed reports about storage capacity associated with virtual hosts. It also features new management tools that help IT staff better utilize existing physical storage assets through simplified storage virtualisation.

CA Vantage SRM r12 SP2 automates major storage management operations, including critical monitoring and analysis tasks and corrective actions across the IBM z/OS storage environment. It helps enable continuous job processing by predicting and preventing out-of-storage conditions.

New audit functions enable IT staff to quickly pinpoint data sets that are not being backed up in accordance with corporate policies, which helps improve data protection and adherence to internal storage requirements.

Both products operate under a common user interface, enabling customers to visualize and manage their storage infrastructure from a single point of control.

Additional enhancements in CA SRM r11.7 include multi-path I/O support that helps IT staff reduce downtime and solve the performance problems that can result from I/O bottlenecks, especially in query-intensive data warehouse environments. In addition, enhanced Microsoft cluster server support shows how shared storage resources are used by clustered servers, making it easier for IT staff to take advantage of clustering for high availability and performance.

Additional capabilities in CA Vantage SRM r12 SP2 include real-time alerting to facilitate responsiveness to changing conditions that can potentially threaten the availability of mission-critical applications. In addition, support for CA and third-party solutions streamlines management operations that involve viewing storage in the broader context of other infrastructure resources and the business applications they support.

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