MetaVis launches File Manager for SharePoint

MetaVis Technologies has announced a bi-directional migration tool that allows users to move content, folder structures, and metadata between file systems and any SharePoint environment, including Office 365. SharePoint users can download a free trial of File Manager at

With  MetaVis File Manager for SharePoint, users can easily control how file share content is moved into SharePoint or how content is downloaded / off boarded from SharePoint to a file share – no matter how complex the environment. As a result, File Manager makes it easy to archive SharePoint content and metadata for use in other systems.

File Manager is an agentless solution and maintains all your valuable metadata without the need to install any server-side components. File Manager provides full support for Managed Metadata. It allows content to be tagged with managed metadata values during loading or downloading for vastly improved end-user search and usability.

MetaVis File Manager can be used to:
Move content from SharePoint to file systems
Reduce the size of your SharePoint environment
Archive older content or completed project documentation
Migrate content from File Systems to SharePoint

"Until now, SharePoint users have not had an easy way to get valuable content out of SharePoint while still retaining metadata proprieties," said Steve Pogrebivsky, CEO and Co-founder of MetaVis Technologies.

"MetaVis File Manager addresses this need and allows organizations to better manage and utilize their SharePoint content on a daily basis. By supporting the common CSV format, companies can download SharePoint content for use in other mission critical systems or to archive and manage the size of SharePoint sites."

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