Litera takes the pain ot of metadata removal

Litera has released Metadact-e, server-based software that protects corporate confidentiality and proprietary information by removing potentially sensitive metadata from all e-mail messages and attachments including those sent via mobile devices such as webmail and smartphones.

"With an increasingly mobile workforce the risk of unintentionally disclosing sensitive information also increases. Metadact-eallows organizations to provide a systematic and enterprise-wide approach to the cleaning of document metadata thus decreasing the risk," said Deepak Massand, Litera's CEO. The company already markets Litera Corp also markets Metadact, a desktop-based metadata cleansing solution.

Metadact-e removes metadata from e-mail messages and their attachments (including Microsoft Office, PDF, image and ZIP files) sent via Outlook, Lotus Notes, and other e-mail programs. It allows corporate administrators to define a centralised cleaning policy that can be implemented on a company-wide level or individual users can be permitted to personally control some of their settings and determine what types of metadata are cleansed.

The enhanced flexibility and functionality of Metadact-e enables users to selectively remove, for example, tracked changes in Word documents, hidden cells in spreadsheets and/or speaker's notes from PowerPoint presentations. Metadact-e also provides detailed logs enabling administrators to review a comprehensive list of detected and removed metadata by sender, date, and additional variables. 

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