IDOL powers HP TRIM 7.2

HP has combined its twin acquisitions in information management with a new version of the TRIM EDRMS powered by the Autonomy Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL), HP TRIM 7.2.

IDOL enables HP TRIM 7.2 to automatically index all relevant information, and form an understanding of all conceptually related content and topics within both unstructured and structured information.

These capabilities include auto-categorisation of records, in which IDOL automatically recognises and applies the appropriate policy to each piece of information, based on established rules, pending legal matters, and regulatory requirements.

Additionally, IDOL's manage-in-place capabilities automatically form an index of the entire data set of an enterprise.

IDOL's conceptual search technology also replaces Oracle Inso filtering technology and Lucene keyword search functionality in HP TRIM 7.2.

Enhancements to HP TRIM 7.2 provide features to:
*  Auto-categorise all information in an enterprise and apply appropriate policies;
* Control business records in-place;
* Apply records management rigour to SharePoint in the cloud;
* Simplify HP TRIM for SharePoint administration with synchronised classification and term sets; and
* Automate disposition of records across countries and regulatory regimes with multi-jurisdictional retention management.

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