Cumulus DAM software upgrade

Canto has added more than 50 new features in the the latest version of its flagship Digital Asset Management (DAM) software,  Cumulus Version 8.6.

The web publishing and portal solution Cumulus Sites can be administered in the newly designed user interface (UI), eliminating the need to edit an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file for configuration on the server.

“In our fast-moving and dynamic environment people need to be able to administer Cumulus anytime, anywhere via a web browser, dispensing with the need to install a native client on a local computer,” said Uli Knocke, Canto ceo.

The new File System Companion allows administrators to set up event-driven asset locations that “watch” what the user is doing and handle management tasks in the background. This allows automatic version control that stores the entire version history of a document or image.

“Companies still spend a lot of time and resources trying to locate the most recent version of a file. Data gets lost or overwritten, especially media and graphics files that are subject to a complex design and production process. Cumulus 8.6 solves this problem,” stated Canto chief technology officer and cofounder, Thomas Schleu.

With Cumulus 8.6 users can now visualise the location of an asset based on GoogleMaps  geodata stored in the file via Sites.

Cumulus 8.6 is available at no additional charge to those on active service agreements with Canto.

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