harmon.ie promises to unify SharePoint for iOS

Bridging the Mac and Windows divide is next on the agenda for harmon.ie, the creator of software that provide access to SharePoint content from the Outlook email client.

Its new offering, harmon.ie Connect for SharePoint, promises to bridge the gap between Apple and Microsoft to create a unified social user experience for the enterprise across the iPad, iPhone and desktop.

It says that collaboration across many disparate platforms today is difficult and unwieldy, as workers collaborate with colleagues in the office via email, which they supplement with SharePoint, IM, unified communications and other social apps. 

It now aims to make document and social information from all sources appear in one window with a consistent user experience, in the office or on the road. For example, users can follow important documents directly from email or their mobile device. Any changes made on one platform immediately become visible on the other.

"Apple and Microsoft are completely missing the boat when it comes to closing the gap between the desktop and mobile devices in the enterprise," said Yaacov Cohen, CEO of harmon.ie. 

"This is leaving enterprises in the lurch, particularly when it comes to collaboration on SharePoint. The bridge harmon.ie has created takes existing applications, unifies them across all platforms and makes workflow more productive."

harmon.ie Connect for SharePoint promises a consistent user experience so after connecting to SharePoint sites or followig documents on the desktop, these become available on SharePoint for iPad. No setup or configuration is needed.

It also allows iPad users to securely edit and share documents in SharePoint.

harmon.ie Connect is available on the App Store or as an MDM package download. 

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