
Vendors in the knowledge management industry have posted some promising financial results, with Hummingbird and Documentum in particular spreading good news.

Proving that the local vendors are leaders in the document and knowledge management scene, Objective and Alphawest 6 have both gained VERS certification from the Public Records Office Victoria.

A Victorian water company is pushing its knowledge management application into its customer service division in an effort to increase customer satisfaction.

One call, one Web site: that is the aim for government access in Queensland. The Queensland's state government is to integrate all commerce and contacts whether on the Internet or via telephone. CiTR, a company owned by the University of Qu...

Delphi Group's latest research into the search and retrieval market has revealed that Verity is still the number one player, a fact that has pleased head of the Australian branch office.

The Australian Communications Authority is considering whether to monitor the delivery of broadband Internet services. A discussion paper, Proposal for Monitoring and Reporting Quality of Service for Broadband and High Data Rate Services wa...

Events organiser Key3Media has closed down its Australian operations, sounding what might be the final death knell for the giant tech trade show.

Hewlett-Packard and EMC, the biggest and third biggest storage vendors in the world, have sued each other over patent infringements, bringing into focus a new schism in the storage industry.

McData has extended its Intrepid line of director-class Fibre Channel switches, this time with a 140-port model that more than doubles the capabilities of its predecessors.

Storagetek has released a new disk array capable of using drives with 146GB capacity, but industry focus has already turned to tape drives with 200GB capacity coming from the company next week.
