
Brief news items on FileNet, PAFEC and Tower Technology.

The National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) has selected DOCS Open and RecordMANAGER as its preferred document and records management systems.

The ACT's Land Information Centre has signed an $450,000 contract with Intergraph for a new geographical information system.

Computron Software's Version 4 won a Best of Show award at the major international event for imaging and workflow, AIIM '98.

Imaging bureau DataCom Information Systems has opened a Sydney operation.

Insight Technology has won a $250,000 contract from the ACT's Land Titles Office to supply a new imaging system.

Staffware has formed an alliance with Insight Technologies Asia Pacific to enable Staffware's workflow product to be integrated with Insight's DM System.

Six months after our first feature on knowledge management (KM), we find the concept is gathering steam.

A recent report by the Electronic Commerce Expert Group goes some way to determining what makes an electronic document acceptable as an "original".

Knowledge management is not meant to be easy. Pioneering Australian users talk about the traps for all players.
