
In today's business climate, everybody uses email. Most companies, however, still lack formal policies governing its usage. David Braue asks why we're still struggling to manage this fundamental technology.

Meat products maker Hormel may be suffering a public relations drama of the worst kind, but forces are mustering against the scourge of spam. David Braue weighs up the fight against email's worst offenders.

There are an abundance of Australian companies that have made their presence felt on the global stage. Here, Stuart Finlayson and Austrade's (Australian Trade Commission) Karla Davis profile three local technology developers that have done...

Retail outlets have long suffered at the hands of costly, lengthy and cumbersome stock control methods. Such problems are a thing of the past for JB Hi-Fi, after implementing a system which has helped them save them valuable money, time a...

At the end of last year, the ANZ chapter of the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA ANZ) turned one year old. IDM caught up with chairman Mark Heers to get his thoughts on how the association fared in its maiden year, as well as ...

IDM would like to wish all our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2005.

Opera Software has released a test version of its next web browser for Windows in a move which could attract users from Microsoft, following another year of constant security concerns for the dominant browser.

Oracle thought all of its arguing with PeopleSoft was finished just in time for Christmas, until it uncovered another problem which has been going on for a while behind the scenes within the organisation.

For the first time in over a decade, overall packaged software pricing is set to decrease, with the downward trend likely to continue for the next three to five years.

A new report has revealed that storage virtualisation has reached the second stage in its lifespan, with smarter storage systems emerging to manage data across different tiered environments provided by multiple vendors.
