
Tape storage vendor Quantum has agreed to acquire Certance, a global supplier of tape drives and data protection solutions, for US$60 million (AU$81.5 million). Certance is a co-developer of LTO technology and is a Technology Provider Comp...

Some of the biggest anti-virus software supplied by well-known vendors can be hacked into and exploited, according to iDEFENSE, a security, and vulnerability intelligence firm based in the U.S.

EVault has released its EVault Continuum Server, to protect vital database applications, such as emails, enterprise resource planning and information that needs to be kept stored securely.

Cybersource has launched a new personal computer which it claims offers unprecedented levels of security and safety for Internet users to prevent them from virus attacks.

The enterprise storage semiconductor market will pass the US$1 billion mark in 2005, an 18.5 percent jump from 2004 when the market will rise to US$857 million.

Opportunities in the global market for offshore IT services can no longer be ignored according to a new study released by IDC which predicts that the worldwide market will grow from nearly $7 billion in revenues in 2003 to $17 billion by 2...

Libraries are leading the way in making use of RFID technology which could inspire other industries, stores and factories to follow suit due to improve the delivery of their core services.

Just days after announcing a security collaboration with IBM, Cisco has disclosed plans to work with Microsoft in the same area, with the pair having agreed to share and integrate their respective security and health assurance technologies...

Most managers are too busy to carry out the most important data storage management activities, according to a recent survey carried out in Australia this month.

The ACS (Australian Computer Society) has called for the widespread adoption of software quality assurance methodologies and professional standards, a process which it claims will enhance Australia’s status as a key offshoring destination ...
