
Researchers at the University of South Australia have developed intelligent watermarking techniques that give owners copyright protection on images and data used in Internet and other applications.

Australian and New Zealand archivists have teamed up to develop, build and implement a common set of strategies for making, keeping and using digital records in governments so that they do not get lost in the future.

Objective has won another electronic document and records management contract in South Australia, this time for the Department of Premier and Cabinet, to help staff share information more easily and securely across different offices.

Australia's Open Source industry body has released a position paper to instil confidence into Australian companies interested in exploiting open source opportunities and to calm fears created by the SCO vs IBM case.

Researchers at the University of South Australia have developed intelligent watermarking techniques that give owners copyright protection on images and data used in Internet and other applications.

Computer Associates International has committed itself to making major investments into future wireless technologies, web services and open source capabilities to enable companies to manage storage, security and computing issues from a single suite.

Although Macs have a reputation for having fewer security risks than PCs, Apple users have been updating their software recently to guard against security holes which could leave their computers open to infiltration.

Microsoft has gained support from its OEM partners to make its Windows Storage Server 2003 available with NAS devices to help customers to consolidate files and data stored on Microsoft's Exchange Server 2003.

A recent survey conducted in the US has revealed that consumers are becoming more interested in using online storage for backing up important files to a location outside of their homes.

Corporate portals are increasingly becoming an intrinsic part of large enterprises and government organisations across Australia. Here, we look at a few practical examples of what some of the leading portal vendors have to offer.
