
Tacit Networks has bought the intellectual property of Attachstor so that it can provide better access to email attachments through its WAN-based file sharing software.

Canto recently announced at AIIM in New York that its step toward Java and its new Embedded Java PlugIn (EJaP) technology has found wide acceptance among corporate customers and in the education market.

Gartner has reported that enterprises are growing worried that the use of camera phones and other consumer technologies can impose on the privacy of employees and increase the threat of important information being stolen, so they are tryin...

Internet security company F-Secure have been left red faced after a clerical error at the Finnish company's London office led to thousands of its customers in Britain being sent an email from the company which contained a virus.

EMC, Legato and Microsoft have teamed up to offer new solutions for protecting data stored in remote sites and branch offices.

Businesses that fail to understand enterprise content management are likely to waste large portions of their IT and operational budgets. This is the finding of a recent report based on research conducted amongst 200 companies across Austra...

The extension to the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance deadline will mean good news for Australian companies looking to partner and merge with US companies because they will have more vision over the financial integrity of these companies.

Australian data storage provider SLI-Consulting is looking to meet the storage demands of the burgeoning telecommunications applications market with its new certified storage arrays.

First it was Oracle saying that it would turn to arch enemy Microsoft for help in its appeal to overturn the U.S. Department of Justice's decision to block its PeopleSoft takeover bid. Now SAP has come out in support of its rival by critic...

The Automotive industry is the first to be sued by SCO for using Linux operating systems, allegedly, in breach of copyright laws.
