
Data storage and PC vendor Gateway is set to acquire eMachines, one of the fastest-growing and most efficient PC companies in the U.S., for about $235 million.

Enterprise application software maker PeopleSoft has set a date of March 25th for what is set to be a tussle for control of its boardroom with rival software maker Oracle, when it holds its annual shareholder meeting and director election.

Despite having imposed contingency plans to deal with the expected data barrage, The SCO Group could not prevent its website being put out of commission by the MyDoom virus.

The Storage Networking Industry Association is determined to succeed in its 2004 mission of advancing the adoption of storage networks as complete and trusted solutions.

Sarbanes-Oxley requires a new standard of record keeping

Or will it? Not according to Microsoft, which insists the Information Rights Management function of Office 2003 will not result in emails and other documents vanishing into thin air.

Taking a look at how content management has helped Tourism Queensland flourish, as well as examining what's going on in the CMS market as a whole.

With fast, easy access to information becoming an ever more intrinsic part of an organisation's success, having a comprehensive information management strategy in place is vital. Stuart Finlayson talks to the CEO of a company that is worki...

Claiming compensation from the government; housing benefit; social security benefit; veteran allowances and other payments used to be a painfully slow process until a revolutionary online service was introduced to cope with the complex leg...

The Royal Australian Mint has recently struggled to progress with new designs for Australian gold coins because vital knowledge was being lost inside deleted emails. Those messages can now be stored for life, keeping future project ideas a...
