Enterprise Content Management

Joanna Hicks, Knowledge Manager at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

The Catholic Education Office of Canberra and Goulburn deployed a SP 2007 trial at the beginning 2011 to evaluate it as a corporate information portal.

“Get the business involved from the beginning and ensure it does not become an IT project. Give yourself twice as much time as you expect to migrate content.” - Knowledge Manager, Australian water utility

Governance, Tick. User adoption, double tick. Custom development and records management, tick again. IDM’s 2012 survey of knowledge and information managers has found some common concerns as they undertake SharePoint upgrades or fresh deployments across Australia and New Zealand.

After its 2011  purchase of ECM vendor Perceptive Software, Lexmark has moved further down the content chain with the $US148 million acquisition of  intelligent data capture software vendor Brainware.

A focus on building user’s trust in SharePoint  is behind the latest update to Scinaptic’s OnePlaceMail product, version 6.1, which adds seamless capture of content and provides  direct search capabilities within Outlook.

Cadac Organice has published a case study exploring the challenges of CAD Drawing Management, for collaboration internally and externally to a project team.

HarePoint Workflow Monitor has been developed to control the status of the workflows and manage them.

It allows an administrator to obtain information on all active workflow instances or workflow associations at the level of the firm, web-application, sites collection, site or the list.

Alfresco and social software developer Jive Software have announced the a connector that enables cross-platform publishing.

Access to sensitive content in SharePoint can be restricted based on Trusted attributes about a user’s identity, or claims, using a new version of TITUS Metadata Security
