Enterprise Content Management
Silicon Publishing has announced patent-pending technology that bridges the internet and the page-layout application, Adobe InDesign, which has traditionally required file-based asset and content workflows. With this new technology, data and assets are available to InDesign directly over HTTP and other internet protocols.
Open Text is embedding its enterprise content management solutions deeper into Oracle database and middleware technology, with the two companies agree to closer cooperation in the ECM marketplace.
A new connector released by EntropySoft allows documents from SAP to be dynamically published to SharePoint or archived instantaneously in the cloud or in the corporate archiving system.
Integration of the FileBound Document Management platform with SharePoint 2010 has been enhanced with a new connector for document sharing.
Laserfiche has completed a long term mission in 2010 to achieve VERS certifcation, opening the door for a concerted assault on the Australian and regional ECM marketplace in 2011.
Open Text has acquired a platform for document assembly and delivery that is tightly integrated with SAP, after purchasing StreamServe for $US71 million.
Are Australian organisations ready to take advantage of the semantic web and master data management? A recent survey shows that while many are on the right track, there is a need to better demonstrate the business value of taxonomies and metadata.
Cadac Organice has launched a solution to help companies define and enforce design standards on AutoCAD drawings and save time and effort in the design and control process, called Gatekeeper.
Atalasoft claims its new Vizit Social eXchange fills an important gap in SharePoint 2010's social media platform by enabling micro-blogging about specific content
Implementing enterprise search and an EDRMS are high up the agenda in 2011 for David Sunderland, Director, Information Management, at the Fair Work Ombudsman, a new federal government body created by the Fair Work Act in July 2009 that combines the previous Workplace Authority and Workplace Ombudsman.