Network Storage

A legal minefield is erupting in a second world, where users sign away the storage and right to their intellectual property data, and the flow of cash paves the way for related criminal activities.

Continuing its run of acquisitions, EMC has acquired information security specialist Verid and its knowledge-based authentication solutions.

In line with World Environment Day, VMware has talked up their roll in not only saving dollar, but also reducing the C02 emissions’ of IT organisations, reiterating to IDM their virtualised server consolidation rate of twelve serv...

Dell, Intel and Microsoft have entered into a thee-way deal to develop a standard application programming interface in order to streamline the use of flash memory devices on PCs.

With data centre efficiencies in mind, Brocade has announced a wide range of product and service enhancements in line with their promised product roadmap.

Hitachi’s data systems arm has released a swag of enhancements to its digital archiving platform, saying version two of its content addressed storage (CAS) solution is the bees knees when it comes to data retention, preservation and protection.

A new survey of American businesses has found that despite suffering through natural disasters, cyber attacks and the threat of terrorism, 30 percent of businesses are still neglecting proper disaster recovery preparation.

When you are decommissioning hard drives from old PCs and MFDs, make sure that the only thing being salvaged on the second hand market is the value of the hardware and not the information in it.

The latest results from the TheInfoPro’s hot technology index has seen data deduplication fire up the charts to replace file virtualisation as the hottest storage technology around.

HP has announced that it has hired a new senior vice president and general manager of its enterprise storage business.
