Network Storage

Vicky Brauner, CBL Data Recovery Technologies recalls some humourous data disaster stories.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), as do other regulatory bodies, have some very specific requirements as well as more general principles regarding the preservation of records.

How organisations are coping with the enormous mountains of data generated on a daily basis, and how the events of 9/11 shaped how organisations approach the problem, dominate this year's Storage World conference.

Manpower has appointed BT to upgrade and manage its worldwide data network for the next five years, making it the first company in its industry to adopt a fully integrated, global telecommunications infrastructure.

The Public Records Office of Victoria has assigned Documentum to develop and implement a digital records archive for all Victorian government agencies so that the public will have access to vital legislative and policy documents via a portal.

Or is it? Issues such as scalability, affordability and proprietary interests must be resolved before storage virtualisation can really fly. Stuart Finlayson reports.

CD and DVD storage is still heavily relied upon as a source of back up for critical data in large organisations throughout Australia, despite research claiming that these discs are not secure as long-term storage devices. Are these organis...

Manpower has appointed BT to upgrade and manage its worldwide data network for the next five years, making it the first company in its industry to adopt a fully integrated, global telecommunications infrastructure.

The Public Records Office of Victoria has assigned Documentum to develop and implement a digital records archive for all Victorian government agencies so that the public will have access to vital legislative and policy documents via a portal.

Or is it? Issues such as scalability, affordability and proprietary interests must be resolved before storage virtualisation can really fly. Stuart Finlayson reports.
