Network Storage

News that scientists have discovered an apparent speed limit at which data can be stored and retrieved may disappoint many IT enthusiasts on first hearing, but the good news is that this optimum speed is around 1,000 times faster than the ...

IBM has introduced a new storage technology that is claims will help clients protect and recover critical data at global backup locations in super fast time.

The efforts of a consortium of hardware manufacturers over the last two years is set to reach fruition at the end of this month, with the release of a removable hard drive designed exchange large volumes of data.

A new grid alliance was launched this week to accelerate grid computing in enterprises, allowing them to have more dynamic control over the computer systems as their business needs evolve, but IBM and Microsoft have not signed up to it.

IBM has introduced a new storage technology that is claims will help clients protect and recover critical data at global backup locations in super fast time.

The efforts of a consortium of hardware manufacturers over the last two years is set to reach fruition at the end of this month, with the release of a removable hard drive designed exchange large volumes of data.

A new grid alliance was launched this week to accelerate grid computing in enterprises, allowing them to have more dynamic control over the computer systems as their business needs evolve, but IBM and Microsoft have not signed up to it.

Copan Systems, a relatively new player in the storage business, having only been around since 2002, has introduced a disk-based archiving system that it claims offers the performance, availability and data protection of disk at the price a...

The demand for software to manage storage data has risen significantly over the last year, showing yet again more encouraging signs that the technology industry is picking up again.

Copan Systems, a relatively new player in the storage business, having only been around since 2002, has introduced a disk-based archiving system that it claims offers the performance, availability and data protection of disk at the price a...
