Draft information management standard for the Australian Government

The National Archives of Australia is currently seeking comments on its draft information management standard for the Australian Government.  The Standard has been developed to outline the fundamental principles for well managed information in Australian Government agencies and will assist agencies to manage information consistently across government. 

The Standard aligns with the National Archives’ Digital Continuity 2020 policy and assists in meeting a number of requirements recommended in recent whole-of-Australian Government initiatives. It also addresses the specific requirement to create records of key business activities and decisions, as recommended in the 2011-12 Audit Report No. 53 into records management in the Australian Public Service.

The Standard:

  • outlines fundamental principles for well-managed information
  • clarifies the Archives’ expectations for the management of Australian Government information to meet business and community needs
  • takes a risk based approach, and
  • is consistent with the key concepts and principles of International Standard ISO 15489 Records Management

The Standard has been written in language intended to be broadly comprehensible to Australian Public Service staff. The Standard will be supported by implementation guidance which will provide more technical detail for staff with specialist roles guiding information management in an agency.

The Archives welcomes comments on the draft Standard.  The closing date for feedback is Friday 15 July 2016. Please email your comments to recordkeeping@naa.gov.au.
