McDATA Shows Off New VTL

McDATA Shows Off New VTL

September 11th, 2006: With its gaze fixed on the backup and recover market, McDATA has launched its new Virtual Tape Library (VTL) promising improved backup and restoration performance and greater reliability.

The new VTL provides disk-to-disk-to-tape backup capabilities for, according to McDATA, better accessibility, reliability and security than is possible with traditional tape systems.

“Many companies are required to fulfil regulatory obligations that go beyond what tape can provide,” says Raj Das, vice president of product marketing, McDATA. “With the McDATA Virtual Tape Library, customers can get the functionality from their existing investments in tape while taking advantage of the features of disk providing faster more reliable backup and restore.”

McDATA says that its VTL can be attached to existing physical libraries to import and export backup data to and from physical tapes. It allows portability without altering the data format so backup software can still read the physical tape without the product. The VTL can also replicate data across IP to aid the creation of virtual tapes copies offsite.

The VTL is available now direct from McDATA or via its resellers.

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