NetApp & Regulations go Hand-In-Hand

NetApp & Regulations go Hand-In-Hand

May 31, 2006: NetApp has announced that 500 global enterprises facing compliance regulations rely on its compliance, security and storage solutions.

According to NetApp, compliance regulations such as Basel II, Check 21 and European Union Data Protection Directive 1995 require enterprise records to be stored, accessed, retained and destroyed over very long periods of time. The company states that hundreds of corporations around the world (or more than 10 PB of data) rely on NetApp SnapLock compliance software to ‘lock down’ records pertaining to their daily business.

Data that is commonly locked down is said to include financial and other digital records, e-mails and medical images. It also includes data related to private information that is generated across various industry segments including government, financial services, healthcare, technology and energy. Says John McKnight, research director at Enterprise Strategy Group, “Our most recent research found that 91% of large enterprises have been asked by courts or regulators to produce e-mail messages as part of a legal proceeding or regulatory inquiry and 56% of these same organisations have been asked to produce corporate financial statements.” SnapLock claims to be a solution that can be customised for regulations specific to regions, countries, industry segments and corporate governance.

SnapLock software is complemented by a suite of integrated NetApp products. The company says that this will help customers expand storage capacity on a common NetApp platform and deploy increasing compliance functionality in enterprise data centres and remote offices for growing and changing compliance regulations.

SnapLock software is supported by leading application partners such as CA, IBM, Oracle and Symantec.

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