Trans-Continental Data Mirroring In Milliseconds

Trans-Continental Data Mirroring In Milliseconds

April 6th, 2006: Fujitsu will be showing off advances in storage networking it has made with McDATA SAN routers this week when it demonstrates near-instantaneous data replication over great distances.

Taking place at April’s Storage Networking World in San Diego, California, Fujitsu will be backing up data from Colorado Springs in the U.S. to Tokyo, Japan. The entire trip spans more than 20,000 circuit miles and over this distance Fujitsu says it has achieved a mere 200-millisecond delay.

Built by Fujitsu, the data mirroring solution takes advantage of McDATA’s broad router multi-protocol interoperability. Spanning both Fibre Channel and IP networks, Fujitsu says the routers have enabled it to overcome the local limitations of Fibre Channel to mirror data over the Internet.

"This ability to mirror data between continents addresses the needs of our customers to mirror data centres that are 10,000 or 10 miles apart," says Richard McCormack, senior vice president of marketing, Fujitsu. "We chose McDATA SAN routers for this ground breaking project because of the company's industry leadership and experience using routers and SAN extension products to replicate data over long distances."

Fujitsu says that McDATA's SAN routers also provide data compression to lower WAN bandwidth requirements and Fast Write technology to maximise throughput across long distances

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