Yellow Machine Upgrades Software

Yellow Machine Upgrades Software

April 10th, 2006: Anthology Solutions has updated its Yellow Machine Network Attached Storage (NAS) device to software version 3, adding support for Active Directory Services, Disk Scrubbing Technology and Virtual Private Networking.

The update also adds support for a journaling file system using Third Extended File System (EXT3) and greater backup security with EMC Retrospect.

EXT3 automatically logs file system transactions to ensure consistency and full recovery of large file systems if something goes awry and system power is cut. On top of this, Disk Scrubbing adds another layer of data protection by monitoring and fixing data errors before data losses occur.

“The first version of the Yellow Machine featured massive storage at a tiny price,” says Dez Blanchfield, CEO, Cradle Technologies. “This new software release now makes the Yellow Machine very reliable and easy to use, while adding advanced features for business and government users.”

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