Google To Offer Unlimited Storage?

Google To Offer Unlimited Storage?

March 8, 2006: Internal documents “accidentally” released on the internet have disclosed potential plans to offer infinite online storage for consumers through the rumoured upcoming GDrive service.

The notes were discovered in a slide presentation published on Google’s investor relations site on Thursday, and read: "With infinite storage, we can house all user files, including emails, web history, pictures, bookmarks, etc and make it accessible from anywhere (any device, any platform, etc),"

Unlimited storage online storage sounds like a pipe dream. There won’t necessarily be large numbers of people uploading terabytes of digital video, however lets say ten million consumers sign up and backup their data online, at 80Gb each 800,000,0000Gb is a small planet of data. And if chief executive Eric Schmidt’s comment in the document about Google aiming to "store 100 percent" of consumer information is accurate, then the lure of unlimited storage would certainly see this figure blow out to ridiculous proportions. If you include redundancy it wouldn’t be long until the project collapsed under its own weight like a neutron star.

Perhaps Google’s vision of an unlimited service is similar to Optus’ Australian broadband cable service where bandwidth is scaled back for heavy users. Google remains tight lipped about its plans and the presentation in question has now been replaced by an acrobat document sans the GDrive references.

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