IT Managers Scared of Storage Change

IT Managers Scared of Storage Change

March 23rd, 2006: But fears are included in survey from storage migration services vendor - so pinch of salt required.

A survey carried out on behalf of UK-based data migration vendor, Morse, claims that of 100 IT professionals canvassed, 39 per cent are to fearful to migrate their data to new storage platforms.

The reasons given for this include the fact that 73 per cent are worried about being tied into a single vendor. Again interoperability raises its head - and is a constant theme for 2005 and 2006. Data loss and corruption are the other reasons - predictably - given by 66 per cent of those interviewed.

While it must be born in mind that Morse has good reason to support these figures - it does after all provide data migration services - it was produced in concert with Vanson Bourne (OmniBoss), a specialist in IT-based market research. So, like most statistics, it should be viewed with an element of objectivity but not entirely overlooked.

Interoperability and plain old conservatism when looking at more up-to-date storage methods has been themed in other surveys in the last 18-months, and both issues should be addressed by vendors and integrators as a major part of the client-liaison process.

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