IDC Predicts SMB Storage Surge

IDC Predicts SMB Storage Surge

March 30th, 2006: Storage technology has been tipped to have a “breakthrough” year by industry analysts IDC, with small to medium businesses (SMBs) driving growth as they take up broadband and come to terms with data retention regulations.

IDC says that “The deployment of Local Area Networks (LANs) and broadband has helped drived storage needs to unprecedented levels,” however, compliance is also becoming a major driving force behind storage growth as SMBs have the same requirements placed upon them as larger organisations.

“The stars are aligning to make 2006 the breakthrough year for SMBs stepping up to advanced storage solutions,” says Ray Boggs, vice president for IDC's SMB research practice. “SMBs have just been throwing more storage at their capacity challenges, and that will continue to be the case for many, especially with the growth of e-mail archives, but there is the other piece, the compliance piece, that is encouraging more 'adult supervision' of storage in general.”

SMBs also have the same backup and restoration requirements as larger firms, leading IDC to divine that SAN-based disk storage in particular will surge in 2006. Especially with SMBs leading the way by committing the largest amount of disk storage to email and digital content.

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