Egenera Hots Up Blades But Keeps Its Cool

Egenera Hots Up Blades But Keeps Its Cool

January 25, 2006: The US grid computing provider Egenera has announced its third generation blade server infrastructure which the company claims, doubles BladeFrame performance and Ethernet connectivity on average.

Egenera says that its new Control Blade configuration is what is driving the performance gains. This is due to eight fabric connections enabling a 280 percent improvement in network performance, and 230 percent better dick performance over its predecessor. All of these improvements have been observed during Egenera’s in-house testing.

The new components are also backwards compatible to existing BladeFrame systems, and if installed will bring their performance improvements to existing systems.

Egenera has also announced today that it has signed a new deal with Emerson Network Power to jointly introduce CoolFrame, a waterless extreme-density cooling solution for use in the BladeFrame EX.

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