SNIA Says "XAM, I Am"

SNIA Says "XAM, I Am"

December 27, 2005: The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) has announced a full review of the XAM (eXtensible Access Method) - also known as the X-Access Method.

According to SNIA: "The proposed standard, titled eXtensible Access Method or X-Access Method (XAM), is intended to provide an interface for the longevity and mobility of reference information that is independent from any specific storage system technology, vendor solution, or the location of a storage system or data. Reference information data that changes infrequently once written is commonly recognized to be growing at an exponential rate each year. "

XAM, which began life in October 2004, is a joint project with the likes of IBM, EMC, HP, Hitachi, and Sun Microsystems. It is aimed at longterm archiving processes and is targeted at software developers in order to simplify cross-application and platform compliance.

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