3G phones key to real estate boost

3G phones key to real estate boost

The real estate industry has discovered a novel way of using 3G phones to record images of properties, calculate distances from local points of interests, such as schools and have this information, plus reports, sent back to the office via email in seconds for appraisal by potential buyers.

A three month Australia pilot initiative at First National Real Estate's Dural office has reported success in using Australia's only third generation (3G) mobile network to launch the first location-based mobile data service for the real estate industry.

Motorola has joined forces with Australian developers Echo Solutions and Mapshed to create this solution, called Loc3.

Agents use the high-speed A925 phones or a lap top with a wireless, 3 NetConnect Card to download maps, and aerial photographs, calculate distances from important areas (for example, schools, transport), call-up sales histories, current listings, appraisals and forecasts while on location.

These can be downloaded at broadband speeds in 3's Video Zones.

Pauline O'Neill, principal sales for Dural First National, said. "The A925 phones running Loc3 have saved us at least two hours a day by enabling agents to download, enter and send data at high-speed in the field and generate reports on the spot. Now that properties can be viewed online only a few minutes after the valuation, vendors and buyers have been very impressed.

"In an increasingly competitive property market, new technology such as this gives us an edge over the competition and helps attract new listings."

On the spot valuations, images and videos of a new property can be emailed back to the office for the vendor to see seconds after the meeting.

First National Real Estate's Dural office has recorded a 25 percent increase in efficiency since it has been using Loc3 and 3's Motorola A925 phones, and vendor listings have also been secured more easily.

A new service is being developed between Loc3 and First National Dural to create a new module for rental property management that allows agents to email inspection reports to the office of landlords on the spot.

Loc 3 is available as a hosted solution, or agents can deploy it or on their existing information technology infrastructure. It can also be accessed via any PC with a Web browser and via the 3 NetConnect Card.

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