EMC creates better ILM services

EMC creates better ILM services

p class="artintro"> EMC has unveiled the industry's most comprehensive set of storage services that help customers plan, build and manage their information technology more cost-effectively and protectively, throughout its lifecycle.

This expanded portfolio are designed to help customers reduce their operational costs, reduce risk, achieve compliance and improve availability by effectively managing information usefulness to business goals and service levels.

The new services will help EMC accelerate the implementation of information lifecycle management (ILM). They will also help customers to understand and achieve ILM by more effectively using an environment of tiered networked storage platforms with advanced information storage management software.

ILM Workshops will help customers understand the basics of an infrastructure for managing information from creation through to archiving or disposal.

ILM Assessment Services will allow customers to validate the potential benefits of information lifecycle management. Each one can be completed in four or five weeks and results in an ILM roadmap.

These services include: Application Alignment - assessing the value of customer application and data with supporting technology; Recoverability Assessment - to identify and communicate risks and exposures to mission-critical applications; Operations Assessment - to identify storage management policy and design a plan for operational improvement; and Infrastructure Assessment - to rapidly identify potential areas for cost savings via consolidation and a tiered architecture.

Storage Manage Services will provide customers with fixed-term, service level-driven, on-site storage management to help them achieve information lifecycle management to improve efficiency and drive down costs.

EMC helped PETCO implement a tiered storage strategy aimed at improving operational efficiency, facilitating ILM, and integrating with its disaster recovery infrastructure. PETCO is a leading speciality retailer of premium pet foods, supplies and services with more than 650 stores. Eric Rosenzweig, PETCO's Vice President, Information Systems, Application Development and Systems Administration said: "EMC's outstanding knowledge of tiered storage and consultative-approach is facilitating a rapid and effective transformation of our IT infrastructure to one based on true ILM.

"We were impressed with EMC's ability to assess data flow across our key business systems and their interdependencies and then use this data to develop a coherent strategy that builds on our previous investments in storage and disaster recovery. Best of all, we look forward to realising ILM's advantages of lower operational costs and improved service levels for our business."

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