New groups target networked storage IT pros

New groups target networked storage IT pros

By Stuart Finlayson

IT industry professionals working in the area of networked data storage have been presented with two new outlets in which to have their voices heard and discuss issues affecting their sector with fellow storage professionals.

Firstly, the newly-launched Association of Storage Networking Professionals (ASNP) is a worldwide member organisation that "provides an open forum for members to discuss real-world problems and solutions related to storage networking," according to the Association's website blurb.

Much of the motivation behind the creation of the ASNP, according to an Association spokesman, was to level the playing field between storage networking users and vendors, and to cut through the hype that pervades the storage networking market in order to make the decision making process that bit easier for the user when it comes to purchasing storage.

The ASNP also offers training and networking opportunities, with members enjoying exclusive access to the association's online portal, which features training and certification resources, newsletters, products reviews, member and vendor directories and discussion forums. Annual membership fee is US$199 (AUD$291).

Another new initiative designed to meet the needs of networking storage professionals is

Introduced by the Information Storage Industry Centre (ISIC), and sponsored by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), which recently formally launched an Australia/New Zealand chapter, is an independent, non-profit initiative whose goal is to support data storage technology users by "stimulating the creation of local and regional storage networking user groups, so that individuals can exchange information with peers and knowledge experts."

"Data storage can be confusing, complex, and difficult to implement," said ISIC Director, Roger Bohn. "Through the initiative, we intend to facilitate discussions between data storage users so they can benefit from their own experiences as the demands on their time and resources continue to grow. At the same time, we and our academic partners also intend to make it easier for individuals to locate relevant educational opportunities, university research, and news and information."

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