Clusters are the future of the data centre: Dell, Ellison

Clusters are the future of the data centre: Dell, Ellison

Speaking at a conference in New York, Michael Dell and Larry Ellison, heads of Dell and Oracle respectively said the future of corporate data centres is in open standards based technology and cluster computing.

Mr Dell said; "Economic conditions have actually accelerated the shift to standards-based systems for a larger portion of the computing market."

Dell claims that nearly 10,000 new customers from around the world have chosen Dell's cluster solutions for storage and both network and enterprise storage servers.

"Many vendors in our industry are proposing complex solutions for customers that rely on costly proprietary technologies, extensive and expensive services, and that ultimately limits choice," Mr Dell said.

At the conference both were pushing the open standards message, particularly for clustered servers. They believe that clustered systems will be the "optimal building blocks" for data centres in the future.

"If you want higher performance, you need to be willing to spend less," said Mr Ellison, adding that cluster computing offers, "fault tolerant systems created out of standards based components. If one machine fails, it doesn't matter."

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