Apple Updates Xsan

Apple Updates Xsan

February 21, 2008: Apple has rolled out the first major upgrade to its Storage Area Network (SAN) file system for OS X, Xsan 2.

Promising ease of use for first time users and enterprise class functionality, Apple says Xsan 2 is trumpeting Xsan 2’s ability to be quickly deployed, plus its new MultiSAN capabilities, which enable users on a single workstation to access multiple SANs at the same time.

Apple says this enables users such as those working in newsrooms with separate SAN volumes for production and broadcast to easily access both.

The Xsan’s administration tools have also been redesigned in the spirit of easier set up and management of SAN file systems, with administrators now having the ability to pre-set volume workload settings for example.

Spotlight can be utilised to search across multiple SAN volumes, and Leopard Server features, such as iCal Server, Mail Server and Podcast Producer, can also now be integrate to support clustered file systems.

Xsan 2 has also, for the first time, been qualified with third-party RAID storage hardware.

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