Ocarina Optimises Storage

Ocarina Optimises Storage

By Greg McNevin

September 25, 2008: At this week’s Storage Decisions Conference Ocarina Networks is showing off new additions to its ECO System for online data, further increasing the solutions ability to handle the exploding levels of storage required for complex file types.

The second major release of Ocarina’s ECO System, the solution has already been deployed in some of the world's largest internet data centres, including two of the three largest online photo sites in the world.

This release extends its storage optimisation to a much broader range of industry segments and customers, including Hollywood studios, oil and gas companies, medical and bioscience institutions, and cloud storage providers.

The company says ECO System is the world's first content aware optimisation technology to deliver a 10:1 reduction in the size of the files that are driving the exponential growth of online storage, namely email, photos, video, as well as Microsoft Office, and other industry-specific file types for energy, media, medicine, and genomics.

The solution combines compression, deduplication, and Ocarina’s own information extraction algorithms to achieve better results than either compression or dedupe alone.

“There's little doubt that the demand for storage optimisation will be on the upswing as energy costs rise, data grows exponentially, and the available resources to support and manage the necessary infrastructure can't keep up with demand,” said Noemi Greyzdorf, research manager, storage software at IDC.

“Just as we have seen file system software revolutionizing file-based storage, we will also witness optimisation revolutionise how efficiently data is written to disk or tape.”

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