LaCie merges into the Cloud

LaCie merges into the Cloud

March 23, 2009:French storage vendor LaCie has announced a merger with Caleido AG, creators of the online storage service, Wuala.

Luzius Meisser, Co-Founder of Caleido said, “Wuala is an exciting technology that builds its reliable and secure cloud storage by harnessing idle resources.”

Wuala assembles centralised and distributed storage; the result is a reliable and scalable service. Once files are placed in Wuala, they are securely encrypted before being cut into several redundant fragments disseminated and stored on a cloud of computers.

"Users will gain online storage while trading disk space; that way, they will securely protect their valuable data. They can access it from anywhere and easily share files with selected peers. As privacy tends to be a major issue when talking about digital life and data management, everything is encrypted and a robust rights management system protects files from unauthorized access," said Dominik Grolimund, Co-creator of Wuala, "We will also bring this technology to enterprises and professional customers, who will soon take advantage of our services with both cloud and data center-based storage."

LaCie plans to implement this “cloud storage” technology into its ranges of storage devices, offering a powerful and combined solution for storage--local storage on devices for fast access, and secured remote storage on the cloud, for easy sharing and complete data versatility.

"For 20 years, LaCie massively promoted hard drive technologies; today, as a leader on storage market, we will be first mover in next leading technologies: flash-based storage, and cloud storage. With this merger, LaCie will morph from a pure hardware manufacturer to a solution provider. These new technologies will be amazing for our customers and will enhance their experience," Philippe Spruch concluded.

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