Xiotech Acquires Seagate ASA Group

Xiotech Acquires Seagate ASA Group

By Greg McNevin

November 9, 2007: Xiotech Corp has announced that it has acquired Seagate’s Advanced Storage Architecture (ASA) group, picking up all the group’s assets plus licences for associated technology.

The announcement is surprisingly light on details, having no information on exactly what technology is being licensed from Seagate, nor any financial details for the deal.

Seagate and Xiotech have had an interesting history, as Seagate actually acquired Xiotech in 1999 for US$360 million, only to sell off 80 percent in 2002.

As for now, Dr. Ellen Lary has been named as vice president and general manager, while Steve Sicola, general manager of the Seagate ASA group, will serve as the chief technology officer for Xiotech.

“We think that the ASA technology will in time transform the market's perceptions about storage capacity, performance and reliability,” said Casey Powell, president and CEO, Xiotech. “In time, we expect the ASA group to provide significant additional revenue to Xiotech.”

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