Oracle Launches New VM Product for All Apps

Oracle Launches New VM Product for All Apps

November 13, 2007: Speaking at the annual Openworld conference, Oracle has launched its new ‘Oracle VM’ server virtualization software that supports both Oracle and non-Oracle applications.

Oracle claims the new software is up to three times faster than existing products from other vendors, touting its low cost and scaleable features as the other major selling points for the new product.

"Enterprises of all sizes are increasingly embracing virtualization to consolidate resources, better leverage commodity hardware and further reduce computing costs," said John Humphreys VP of Enterprise Virtualization, IDC. "Products like Oracle VM can be excellent tools that enable IT to increase their server utilization, and dramatically reduce complexity and overall total cost of ownership." He said.

The offering is already backed by several industry sources including HP, Netapp, AMD, Dell and others who all had nice things to say about the new software. Whether or not the positive industry feedback will result in positive end user experience remains to be seen, but Oracle are very committed to the VM space.

"With Oracle VM, customers can respond more rapidly to business changes, increase ROI and reduce lifetime total cost of ownership. Oracle VM brings enterprise-class support and backing to server virtualization, giving customers the confidence to deploy virtualized solutions." said Oracle's Chief Corporate Architect, Edward Screven.

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