Quantum launches StorNext 4.0

Quantum has launched the latest release of its scalable StorNext data management software, StorNext 4.0, which provides enhanced high-speed data sharing and management capabilities.

The new features include integrated file system deduplication, a flexible replication engine and distributed data tiering, as well as timecode-based partial file retrieval and a web services-based management console.

StorNext provides advanced data deduplication natively in the file system for nearline data and multi-site environments. This new capability is ideally suited for high data growth enterprises where a massive amount of data is continually processed, stored and accessed.

Quantum's patented variable-length deduplication technology finds redundant data blocks across files and stores only unique data. Previously applied only to Quantum's backup solutions, this technology is leveraged in StorNext 4.0 to enable even greater cost savings and better storage management.

StorNext's replication feature provides many options for protecting and managing data across distributed environments. StorNext customers can now protect against unforeseen disasters by replicating critical data to another remote location. Data from a single site or multiple branch offices can be consolidated or protected, enabling continued operations if the source location becomes unavailable.

Users can also adopt a data distribution strategy to achieve 24/7 global workflow, reducing project timelines and cost. In addition, with its deduplication functionality, StorNext 4.0 can replicate only unique data, thereby significantly reducing network bandwidth requirements.

Those with high throughput requirements for tiering can also take advantage of the new distributed data tiering support inStorNext 4.0 through the addition of "Distributed Data Mover" (DDM) functionality. DDM acts as the conduit for passing data to and from the storage tiers. By adding more DDMs to a StorNext solution, system performance dramatically scales for archives that become more active. DDMs enable reads and writes of file copies for data preservation and retrieval while still providing fast access to data via the copy on primary disk.

The additional new features in StorNext 4.0 include timecode-based Partial File Retrieval (PFR): Streamlines workflow in media asset management applications so that segments of large media files rather than the entire file, which can be retrieved and utilized based on timecode parameters. It also offers web services-based management console which improves integration and streamlines management and monitoring through an XML-based graphical user interface (GUI).

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