Objective uCreate goes to hollywood

The City of Beverly Hills, California has selected Objective Corporation’s uCreate solution to assist them in producing their Annual Budget Book.

William Castrillon, Senior Budget and Financial Analyst said: “This report is crucial to our planned spending for the upcoming fiscal year. Using uCreate to publish this 579 page document will provide the city with cost savings and enable the process to become much less labour

Traditionally, the annual production of this document has relied on a manual process of inserting financial data into the final report document, which is a considerable and lengthy task. uCreate will pull the necessary information into the report directly from spreadsheets, inserting it according to the pre-defined templates and brand guidelines. This will enable the document to be updated much more easily as the financial data is revised, and substantially reduce the amount of time required to format and produce the final document.

Tony Walls, CEO, Objective Corporation: “We are delighted to welcome the City of Beverly Hills as a new Objective customer. Our solutions have been proven to deliver significant savings by
transforming the way organisations collaborate and produce large, complex documents. The City of Beverly Hills will now be able to maximise staff efficiency by streamlining the manual process of producing their Annual Budget Book.”