Esker earns SAS 70 certification

Esker has SAS No. 70 certification for its on-demand automation solutions, an international certification that many multinational corporations look to when selecting a cloud service provider.

This certification validates the quality and integrity of Esker’s internal control process and procedures for its on-demand customers.

In a market context of increased externalisation, service organisations or service providers are required to demonstrate that they have adequate controls and safeguards when they host or process data belonging to their customers.

Created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the SAS 70 standard was developed specifically to address this concern.

Based on an independent audit, SAS 70 certification allows service organisations to guarantee process integrity for their customers. SAS 70 addresses the rules of internal control outlined in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act legislation and is primarily used by companies whose jobs impact their customers’ finances (payroll management, data centres, third-party administrators, logistics, fundraising, etc.).

Following an audit conducted by Ernst & Young, Esker was granted SAS 70 Type I* certification based on 25 internal controls including data centres security, incident management process, infrastructure monitoring, logistics access and recruitment. Furthermore, Esker anticipates a SAS 70 Type II certification within the next year.

“We are very pleased to have received the SAS 70 Type I certification. We put everything in place to offer our customers service and security conditions – superior to what they themselves could provide. This certification supports our on-demand development strategy of helping our customers automate and externalise their business workflow.

“The SAS 70 standard delivers transparency to our customers and provides us with a true competitive advantage, specifically in Europe where we are one of the few vendors to be certified,” said Jean-Michel Bérard, CEO and President of the Board of Directors, Esker.