Funnelback 12 tackles Big Data

Search technology company, Funnelback, has announced the release of Version 12 of its website and enterprise search offerings.

Funnelback Version 12 was unveiled at the recent Funnelback User Conference in Brisbane on 30 August 2012.

“Version 12 significantly enhances the speed and scale of searching in the enterprise,” said Matthew Sheppard, Manager of Research and Development at Funnelback.

“As the issue of Big Data increases globally, the need for powerful search technology with the ability to search multiple information sources and across large data sets becomes paramount. Funnelback Version 12 unlocks the value of enterprise information like never before,” said Mr. Sheppard.

Funnelback 12 adds faster and more powerful data searching capabilities. These include better performance of file share and HP TRIM gathering, and “Search as You Gather”, the ability to search immediately as content is gathered.

The latest version of Funnelback also returns more informative search results with date-based facets, easily categorising results by dates, and TextMiner, a new feature that helps define terms and acronyms for users, providing direct access to more information and context on a query.

Aesthetically, Version 12 features a new web-based administration interface designed to simplify maintenance and customisation.

Funnelback Version 12 also comes with better APIs for integration with other data sources, more tunable ranking algorithms and faster query completion.

Funnelback Version 12 is available on Windows and Linux, and also as a cloud service.

Further information at this Link

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