Cloud EDRMS gets Australian government tick

Canberra-based information Management Company, iCognition, has been selected by the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) to provide cloud-based HP TRIM Electronic Document and Records Management Systems (EDRMS) to Government. 

“We are very excited,” iCognition CEO Joe Mammoliti said today. “AGIMO is leading the way in providing Government agencies with the ability to acquire secure cloud services, resulting in significant cost savings to Government”, he said. 

“iCognition is in the unique position of providing secure cloud-based HP TRIM EDRMS solutions to Government,” he said. 

“Clients will achieve the significant benefits cloud solutions provide, including instant access to their EDRMS on any device, on demand, with immediate cost savings, and a simple and secure way to manage IT and records management.  The days of buying and managing your own hardware and software, and providing your own records management services, are over!” Mr Mammoliti stated.

iCognition has partnered with global cloud technology specialists, CorePLUS, and CloudCentral, an Australian cloud provider, to enable HP TRIM and optional Diem Portal EDRMS solutions. CorePLUS’ technology enables iCognition to provide infrastructure, provisioning, management and computing services to Government clients via their own virtual private data center.

Clients can sign up to get gold or platinum HP TRIM or Diem Portal EDRMS solutions on a per month per user basis. With iCognition’s proven, scalable, and highly usable Diem Portal interface to HP TRIM, clients can receive the immediate benefits of a secure, seamless and easy-to-use EDRMS to capture and manage their digital records. 

“We can scale solutions up to integrate with other systems, or scale back to a pure HP TRIM-based EDRMS,” Mr Mammoliti said. “The flexibility the cloud provides is at your fingertips.”

The provides Government clients with a low risk process for agencies to use when acquiring cloud services.  iCognition can now provide cloud services to agencies under the AGIMO deed for the provision of cloud services as a member of the Multi-Use List.